Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bright Eyes in demand first?

Oh, Bright Eyes!   Is it possible to do illustrations and format 2 books at the same time?   The crunch is here.  A little gal is awaiting Bright Eyes  the Too Tall Cupcake story before December.
A gnawing appendix is due to be removed, I need to set a duo goal for duo release of two stories.   I heard on a tv talk show that Sly Stalone had a few desks that he would sit at one by one and write those stories independent of one another in varying degrees of completion.   That I have done.  But it's the ILLUSTRATIONS that are the time consuming components for all that need to be pulled out of my mind's eye onto the drawing sheets.

For this, I must be as slick as a Donald Trump Employee and get it done.  Page by page, the story will be portrayed by matching creative scenes.  Now, get that mind open, gather the story, and just get 'er done!   See?  A writer has to get tough with him or herself...and rile of the hooves of progress!
This horse is going to sleep on it and start anew in the morning.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Along came "Hanger? Oh Hanger?" This book comes from behind in the publishing and illustrating race.

I truly had in mind to get right into one of two books:  "The Legend of the Unfortunate Cookies" copyrighted 2012 or "It's Bright Eyes...the Too Tall Cupcake.   Then, the Hanger story tapped me on the shoulder and insisted that this was the story to be next. 
In this story, children do not hang up their clothes, so Hamilton O'Hanger and Hildegard O'Hanger and the famly take action for a solution. (c)2012 by Lynn Darby Author/Illustrator

It forced me to stay up until 5:30 AM to finish the front cover of the book a couple of days ago.  I celebrate my 2nd year anniversary of a quaduply-bipassed heart. Thank you God for this gift to use your gift to share with others.
Now the book is available for a waiting list for either a November 2012 or December 2012 completion.
If you wish to be on that waiting list write to Subject: Hanger Book waiting list.
I ship in the USA.  $14.95 includes a fridge magnet and a small brass charm on a satin ribbon as a book mark.